Backstage news on Austin Aries’ release and why WWE was probably happy to let him go

As previously noted, Austin Aries was released from WWE on Friday evening. The Wrestling Observer first reported that Aries requested his release.’s Sean Radican is reporting that Aries was not happy and felt that he was being pigeonholed in the cruiserweight division. Basically, he saw himself as someone capable of doing more with the company.

Aries has not been featured on TV since last month and there were hints being dropped through interviews that he was not happy and that he was planning on taking time off. He didn’t take the time off and he was wrestling on live events as late as last weekend.

Radican went on to say that a trusted source expressed to him that Aries had a reputation backstage for having a bad attitude and that might have made it easier for WWE to grant him his release. Another source said that he was dealing with a back injury.

Aries is likely under a 90-day non-compete so don’t expect to see him on any independent shows for a while but he will be in high demand when he goes back on the independent scene. I wonder if Global Force Wrestling would welcome him. During the GFW vs. TNA angle in 2015, Aries was seen smirking backstage when he saw Jeff Jarrett and Dixie Carter. It was not shown on TV (it was unscripted footage recorded for a GFW YouTube video) but you can see Aries brush off Jarrett and Carter below (scroll down).

The reports on Aries having heat are not new. In 2012, there was a report about Aries having issues with people backstage and supposedly coming off like he was full of himself and coming across like he’s only concerned with doing what’s best for himself in matches instead of doing what’s best for everyone involved. In 2014, the Wrestling Observer newsletter reported that TNA officials were not happy with him after he blew up at someone backstage.

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  • Former TNA Wrestling head honcho Dixie Carter (yes, really) will be appearing on WWE TV for the first time. Click here to read that story.
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  • You’ll never guess what WWE is considering doing for the Royal Rumble. Click here for that story.
  • A sad and troubling video of a former WWE Superstar has people concerned. Thankfully, WWE has stepped in to help him so hopefully, there is a happy ending. Click here to read that story.

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