Backstage news on what Randy Orton was told on Sunday, what the referee knew and more

The big story this week continues to be what happened at the end of the Randy Orton vs. Brock Lesnar match and the backstage altercation between Lesnar and Chris Jericho. Jericho talked about SummerSlam on his podcast but he did not make any mention of the incident with Lesnar.

The idea for the Orton/Lesnar match was to create a scenario where fans didn’t know where reality ended. Basically, they wanted fans to believe that what they saw was not part of the show.

Orton was not told about the finish until he got to the arena on Sunday and he was under the assumption that they would have a usual main event match. When he got to the arena, he was told that it would not be a back-and-forth match and the idea was to make Lesnar look stronger. The original idea was for a total destruction by Lesnar so that they could make it look like he went off script.

This will be denied by people in the company but Orton was told that Lesnar knew how to graze him with his elbow and cut him up without hurting him. It turned out that Lesnar elbowed him and nailed him with stiff punches causing Orton’s head to bleed like a faucet. Orton did as he was supposed to and stayed down and acted like he was knocked out. The fact that Lesnar was going over was not a secret and the referee knew that but he and the medical personnel at ringside were likely not told about how the match would end.

Something tells me that you will never see Orton agree to do anything like that again.

News from The Wrestling Observer website was used in this post. For more on this story please visit Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez’ is the leading source for professional wrestling news. Click here for subscription information. Members get exclusive access to insider news from Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez, daily audio shows, breaking news audio, the Wrestling Observer newsletter, newsletter archives, thousands of hours of archived radio shows, and much more.

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