Bayley On Who Pushed WWE To Create A Women’s United States Championship

WWE SmackDown star Bayley was recently interviewed by Brad Gilmore on the Reality of Wrestling YouTube channel. She discussed the Royal Rumble, the new Women’s United States Championship, and other WWE-related topics.

Bayley was asked if she pushed the company to have a United States Women’s Championship:

“I didn’t push for it as much as I did the women’s tag titles. Like those tag titles, we were at the door every single week. We had pitches. We had teams together. We were there every single week for months. I can fully say that we were, you know, like we’re the ones who made it happen. We weren’t stopping until it happened, but with this one, it’s more of ones that I would say in interviews, and that’s only because I believe that we can carry a secondary title like that. I believe the division is ready for it, but I also wanted to see the women’s tag titles grow as well. It was hard to say, ‘I want another title’ when I still think there’s so much work to be done with the tag titles. So it was hard to say, ‘Let’s have another one’ when this one still needs to be watered a little bit. But right now, I feel like it’s in a really good place. Jade Cargill and Bianca are really elevating those titles and we have so many great tag teams that I feel like if the women get an opportunity and they’re put in a tag team picture, their focus is tag team wrestling, and it’s very different than singles wrestling, but it’s a very big, important part of the show right now. Kudos to Bianca and Jade for really pushing that on the company and on the fans.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit The Hall of Fame with Booker T & Brad Gilmore with a h/t to for the transcription.

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