Becky Lynch comments on how much creative freedom she has with her WWE promos

For years, WWE has made wrestlers do script promos to ensure they don’t say something that shouldn’t. Some wrestlers prefer this way, while others like bullet points and coming up with their own material to say.

Becky Lynch, one of WWE’s top stars, is considered one of the best promos in the company.

At the start of an Instagram Live session with former WWE writer Brian Gewirtz, Lynch was asked about promos in WWE and whether she has freedom with them or if she has to memorize promos word by word.

“Thankfully for me, it’s not like that, and it’s not like that for this guy [Seth Rollins]. We get a promo, and sometimes there’ll be lines in it that you have to hit, and they’ll often be the lines that you’re like, ‘That doesn’t sound like she would say that.’ For the most part, we’ve gotten to the point where we’ve gotten enough equity, and we’ve gotten enough trust that we get to write our own promos.”

Lynch noted that it’s usually a collaborative process where if she is comfortable with a writer, she was asked for feedback, and they will go back and forth to make it the best promo possible.

“It’s collaborative that way when you’ve gotten that equity. I think when you first come up…when I first came up, I was too scared to say anything out of turn. I was like, ‘oh, these are the words on the page. I must say every single word exactly as it is on the page.’ Thankfully it’s not like that anymore.”

Lynch is on the sidelines for the next few months with a separated shoulder.

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