Becky Lynch talks about her finisher, fans and Lita being a WWE agent

WWE Diva Becky Lynch spoke with to promote Saturday’s WWE live event in Fort Myers, FL at the Germain Arena. Here are the highlights.

On her finisher:

“It’s a move I can get on from anywhere,” she says. “It’s a move that, if they don’t tap out, it will literally rip their shoulder out of their socket (laughs). So it’s a good finishing move to have!… If you don’t tap out, game over.”

On fans:

“WWE fans… they’re really just a special breed,” she says. “They pour so much love into the product, and we hopefully give it back to ‘em.There might be only 400 or 500 people, but they are LOUD. They’re really into it.”

On looking up to Lita and her being a WWE agent:

“She was like my idol,” she says. “I dyed my hair red. And I was walking around with the baggy pants (I was already doing that because I was a little bit of a skater, anyway) … She was my inspiration.”

“She’s fantastic!” Lynch says. “It’s a little bit surreal, still. But she’s so down to earth and so cool and so easy to talk to, you forget that this was your childhood hero.”

You can read the entire interview here.

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