Bobby Lashley talks about his relationship with Vince McMahon, what Paul Heyman said to him in OVW

David Shoemaker and Kazeem Famuyide were joined by WWE Champion Bobby Lashley on The Ringer Wrestling Show to promote this Saturday’s WWE SummerSlam pay-per-view. Lashley also talked about the evolution from his 2005 debut to winning the WWE Championship with The Hurt Business by his side. He also talked about his relationships with John Cena, Vince McMahon and more.

Lashley said one of the greatest experiences in his career was in OVW:

“One of the greatest experiences of my career was when I was in OVW.  We were running the shows down there, so we had our weekly show in OVW.  We had Simon Dean, Al Snow, and a couple different trainers that came in.  They brought Paul Heyman down to start writing our show for a little while.  Paul Heyman looks at the roster.  He’s like, ok, let’s see who they’re going to use.’  Paul Heyman called me one day and said, ‘Let’s go get a bite to eat.’  We went to Denny’s.  We sat down and ate for four hours.  It seemed like only 30 minutes.  When you go to sit down with Paul, you can just go.  We sat down and we talked, and we talked.  Everything came out.  He was asking me casual questions and we were just talking.  Later on, I found out that Paul’s reasoning was, ‘How can I write for you if I don’t even know who you are?’  When he started doing that, he started writing more for me.  When I was doing the stuff in OVW, he was like, ‘Bobby is a man of few words.’  I’m not a guy that’s going to grab the microphone and cut this long promo.  If I have a problem with you, I will just come up and tell you.  If I have a problem with you in a club, I’m not going to come up to you and say, ‘I’m going to kick your butt.’  I’m going to say, ‘Hey man, put your hands in your pockets.  You’re threatening me.’  One of those things.  It’s that subtle person as opposed to I want to go and fight you.  Then if it gets to that point, then my mood changes, and when my mood changes, then danger happens.’  That’s what Paul was looking at me as a character, but moving up to RAW and SmackDown, you have to turn the volume up.  That’s what I’m working on right now is turning the volume up.  I think that Vince and the writers get me a little bit more now because it’s those subtleties.  At the end, I’m sitting back and I’m Bobby just being cool, then afterwards, I grab the microphone and I say that one line and that’s it.”

Lashley was asked. “What’s your relationship like with Vince?”

“It’s good. There’s so many people that push me and say, ‘You have to be in Vince’s office every day.’ I’m not that guy. I don’t do it. I have Vince’s number. I can talk to him anytime. I can go to his office anytime.  Open door policy.  When I come in, he gives me a big hug.  Vince loves me.  He loves me because I think Vince understands me.  Vince is that hard worker like me.  He sees that in me.  He knows that he can send me anywhere around the world and I’m not going to get in trouble.  I’m always going to represent the company really well.  I’m always going to do the right thing.  You can put me on stage.  I’m always going to be in great shape.  I’m always going to be ready for matches.  I’m that guy.  I’m that military guy that you can use for your company and be around. I think Vince respects that and he likes that.  Our relationship is good.  You do see some people where they are there all the time politicking.  They have something new, and they end up on PPVs, and all these different things.  You wonder, ‘How are these guys jumping up there?’  It’s because they’re constantly in there.  It’s a good thing and a bad thing.  I think it’s a good thing because Vince will even say it himself that, ‘I know you want it if you’re in here bugging me’, but at the same time, I think he knows I want it without going in there bugging him because that’s not me.  I’m not going to beg for something.  If you don’t think that I have it, then you’re not going to put me there. If you think that I have it, you’re going to put me there, and you know I’m going to do everything that I can when I get there.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit “‎The Ringer Wrestling Show” with a h/t to for the transcription.

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