Booker T on the Steiner Brothers and the Nasty Boys in the WWE HOF, why Christian Cage is so underrated, why his match with The Rock wasn’t comfortable

Booker T and Brad Gilmore previewed WWE SummerSlam on the latest “Hall Of Fame” podcast. Booker also gave his thoughts on the Steiner Brothers and why they will not go into the WWE Hall Of Fame, the Nasty Boys, Christian Cage, his match with The Rock, and more.

Here are some highlights:

Booker T was asked if he thinks the Steiner Brothers will ever be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame and then gave his thoughts on the Nasty Boys:

“No.  Should they be?  Yes.  Will they be?  I don’t think so just because of, I mean, Rick Steiner, he’s been one of those guys who let a lot of things roll off his shoulders.  He doesn’t think about it too much.  His brother Scott has always been very, very outspoken about the industry, the company, and a lot of people in it.  Was the stuff he was saying right or wrong?  That’s neither here nor there.  Should they be in the Hall of Fame on their accomplishments and their accomplishments alone?  Harlem Heat is in the Hall of Fame, and we never worked in the WWE.  The Steiner Brothers did.  The Steiner Brothers worked in WWE.  They worked in WCW.  They worked at UWF.  I’m trying to say how long these guys have been around.  They’ve been around for a long time.  They’ve done it in every promotion.  These guys have been the IWGP Tag-Team Champions.  My brother and I never became IWGP Tag-Team Champions.  These guys, the Steiner Brothers, really did do it all as far as professional wrestling, tag-team wrestling goes.  I give those guys big props.  Should they be in The Hall of Fame?  Yes.  Should the Nasty Boys be in the Hall of Fame?  Should Brian Knobbs and Jerry Saggs, The Nasty Boys, be in the Hall of Fame? Yes. I think those guys should be in the Hall of Fame.  Will they get there?  I don’t know.  I don’t know who determines or who makes the decisions as far as that goes, but both of those tag teams should be in the Hall of Fame.”

Booker T talking about Christian:

“I’ve always said that Christian is the most underrated professional wrestler that ever came to WWE.  I always thought Christian was a top notch worker.  He’s a guy that can go out there and do anything with anybody in any style of match. When there was a match where there was one person and myself, say for instance Triple Threats, Battle Royals, and stuff like that, I would always come to work, and when I would see if I was a part of one of those matches, 8-man or whatever, I was always praying and wishing Christian was somewhere on the opposite side or just in that match.  In that style of match, I wouldn’t even think about what I was going to do.  I would just go to Christian and I would say, ‘Christian, what am I doing tonight?’  He would say ‘I’ll get back with you in a little while.’  I would get back with him later and he would say, ‘Ok, right here you’re going to do a scissor kick.  Right here you’re going to do the spinaroonie  Right here, the Book End.’  I’m like, ‘Ok, thanks.  I appreciate it.’  He literally would tell me everything that I had to do in that match.  It would be such an easy night for me, a night off when I was working with Christian.  When I was working with him in singles matches for the Intercontinental Championship, my first and only Intercontinental title reign, Christian and I had so many great matches that weren’t on TV.  They were at the house shows.  We had so much fun.  It was a labor of love going out there and performing for the crowd.”

Booker T was asked his thought on main eventing SummerSlam 20 years ago with the Rock:

“I remember my head was tied up like a pretzel.  I was working with The Rock, and The Rock is one of those guys who has intricate detail.  He was very, very detail-oriented to where he wanted everything to look pristine.  Everything had to be on time.  Everything had to be right.  Personally, I can appreciate someone who has that work ethic, but for me at that time, I wasn’t comfortable working that style. People tell me it was a really good match.  I can’t think of anything but the match when I was doing it.  That’s why the memories for me are not as vivid as they were as if I was just freelancing per say, painting a Picasso out of my mind.  It wasn’t that for me.  It wasn’t like painting a Picasso.  It was literally like being an architect and you have to draw the lines as straight as you possibly can, and everything has to almost be numbered to match up at the end of the day as far as what you’re working on.  For me, it was really, really hard to work that way, but I pulled it off, but it was like The Matrix in my mind.  It was like numbers that only I can read.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit The Hall Of Fame with Booker T & Brad Gilmore with a h/t to for the transcription

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