Booker T to Naomi: “If you think the guys on the internet and social media can help you more than I do, go that route”

On the latest episode of “The Hall Of Fame” podcast, Booker T addressed his comments about Naomi and her response on Twitter last week. You can click here to read her response.

Booker T talking about Naomi: “I just want to reiterate what I had to say regarding #NaomiDeservesBetter movement. I said to hell with all of these hashtags. That’s what I said. I don’t know, maybe because I am old school and I can’t see myself back in the day and we could have got in the dirt sheets by saying something. I just couldn’t see myself using social media on that platform to try to move up in the business, especially if you’re talented. When you are something special, when you’re different from everybody else, it’s obvious. I said Naomi is probably the most athletic female in the locker room and perhaps anywhere in the locker room as far as the wrestling business goes. But, as far as making it to the next level, there are channels you have to go through. It is a learning curve and an in-depth studying you have to go through to actually get to that point. Trust me, it doesn’t happen by accident just because you go out and do a backflip or a big move. It’s not about the moves guys, it’s really not. I always think about what was told to me by guys like Ricky The Dragon Steamboat and it resonated. If you think right now, anybody out in the world that’s trying to get into this business, if you think somebody like Ricky The Dragon Steamboat can’t help you learn this business, then ok, that is your opinion.

I’m going to end it on this. If you think I can’t help you at all, and that’s all I’m trying to do is get you to the next level. If you think the guys on the internet and social media can help you more than I do, go that route. I’m going to leave it at that. You know what it is? The truth hurts. The only thing I said, more important than anything, is the hashtag, the social media platform like, let’s rally behind this cause; the reason I say that is I think she’s better than that. That’s why. If you don’t see that, I can’t do anything about that. But, I just don’t think that’s the route one would want to take and get to that level, and then look back and say, man, the movement was great as opposed to damn it, I broke off barriers. I did everything I possibly could to do it. If I didn’t do it, hey, so be it. But, I’m not going to have social media drive me to be the best one in that locker room, male or female.

People don’t talk about Randy Orton being one of the greatest of all time, not just myself talk about Randy Orton, but several people talk about how good Randy is. It’s not about his wrestling or anything like that. I mean, it’s not about the moves. It is about the wrestling, but it’s not about the moves. It’s not about anything other than the aura of what he brings to every wrestling match that he performs in, that’s all, win or lose. If one didn’t understand what that means, there’s nothing I can do about that. But, every young person that has come my way, if they can’t say Booker T tried to help them, they’re lying. I’m going to tell you that right now. There’s a whole lot of them that can vouch for me. And you know what? My opinion does count because you are listening to it right now. It’s real talk. It’s not anything sugar coated. It’s not anything overlayed or anything like that. I’m going to tell you straight up just like it is. Hopefully, you will get something out of it and take it to the next level. Hopefully, this conversation right here, somebody will listen to it and figure out what I need to do first and foremost before following these suckas on the internet.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit The Hall Of Fame with Booker T & Brad Gilmore with a h/t to for the transcription

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