Bruce Prichard: I Will Never Do Anything With Dark Side of the Ring Again

WWE’s Bruce Prichard answered some fan questions on the 400th episode of the “Something To Wrestle With” podcast.

The WWE executive was asked about Dark Side of the Ring. Prichard participated in the show before but said that going forward, he won’t be doing so again. Prichard on why he won’t work with Vice’s Dark Side of the Ring:

“I can’t watch those things,” he said. “I think that they just dwell on negativity and lies and bullsh*t and hearsay and they exploit that and so much of it is based on, you know, the rumor and innuendo and just complete 100% bullsh*t.”

Prichard continued, “The producers do their homework to the extent that satisfies them. When you dispute their homework and give them facts that don’t support their story and their narrative, they choose to ignore it and that is why I have not done anything since the first ones that I did for the first season and I will never do anything with them again because I do not like the way that they present stories because they’re only looking for negativity to exploit, and in my old age, I learn there’s a lot more than negativity. Why not exploit some positive messages and some good sh*t? You know what it should be called? The Lies of the Ring because a lot of what they present as fact are 100% bullsh*t unsubstantiated lies, and when given facts, they choose to ignore them.”

During the podcast, Prichard talked about why Hulk Hogan had so many tag matches at SummerSlam, how Brock Lesnar broke his face, WCW, and more.

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