Bruce Prichard on how 1-2-3 Kid got his name: “it was one of those beautiful moments in wrestling”

You never know what can happen in the wonderful world of pro wrestling. Some of the most surprising moments might not even be expected by the people booking the show. When Razor Ramon lost to Sean Waltman’s “Kid” a ton of people took an interest. I remember watching it live and shocked by what was unfolding in front of me.

What happened after that was the start of Sean Waltman’s career on a much larger stage and he used that moment in the sun well. He soon became the 1-2-3 Kid but Bruce Prichard said on Something To Wrestle With that name change for Waltman wasn’t in the plans at all.

“So each week we changed Waltman’s name from Cannonball Kid, Kamakazee Kid […] each week it would change until something would stick. And the idea was we would get into three or four weeks when we would get into the Razor match and Razor would just beat the dogsh-t outa him and the Kid would catch a quick fall on Razor.”

“What we did not plan, we did not expect and it was one of those beautiful moments in wrestling was after Kid beat Razor and Razor stood in the ring holding up two fingers like ‘what the hell?’ And the crowd started chanting ‘1-2-3, 1-2-3’ and Vince was like: ‘He’s the 1-2-3 Kid pal, godd-mnit we got something there!'”

1-2-3 Kid became hugely popular after his program with Razor Ramon. His fame was met with a decent push, a great match against Bret Hart, and an action figure where he doesn’t have any eyebrows in the picture on the packaging. Waltman later became X-Pac during his second run with WWE where he achieved even more of an iconic status.

Bruce Prichard’s impression of Vince McMahon is amazing by the way.

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Quotes in this article thanks to Something To Wrestle With and Still Real To Us for the transcription

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