Buff Bagwell Comments On Why He Was Mad At Jim Ross For Years

Former WCW star Buff Bagwell recently took some questions on his YouTube channel. Among the things asked was about the heat he had with Jim Ross. It was Ross who informed Bagwell that he was being let go by WWE in 2001 during the invasion storyline.

Bagwell said the following about JR:

“First of all, let me say I love Jim Ross. I was very mad at him for years, but, it is what it is. I personally love Jim Ross. Even if he had to be the one to call me and tell me the news or whatever, it’s very minor what I was mad at Jim over, but regardless, over the years, he was such a great announcer, such a great friend of mine. He loved athletes, and I was a hometown athlete. He loved football, and I was a good football player and all that. Jim really rooted for me and was always in my corner at WCW. It is weird we kind of had that heat. He just happened to be in the spot of the guy I was talking to when I was fired. The verbiage he used, regardless of what it was, was a little misleading, but he may have done that because he had to. I don’t know the circumstances. It was a confusing time for everybody. The WWF just bought the WCW. The unheard of happened. I was the first guy to sign, and they say the first ones get the bloodiest, and I got bloody.”

On if he would ever work in AEW:

“Absolutely. I love AEW. I do hate some of the stuff they do, like one guy is jumping off on 20 and they’re all waiting for this 170 pound guy to jump off of them, but overall, I really love their athletic ability, and they have good storylines. They got some superstar athletes there. So overall, I absolutely would love to be part of AEW.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Buff Bagwell on YouTube with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription.

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