Cameron Grimes on catching John Cena’s t-shirt: “The first thing I did was look at the tag on the shirt. I had to know what size t-shirt he was wearing.”

This week, while speaking with Sportskeeda, Cameron Grimes discussed John Cena’s return to Raw, as well as Cameron, NC.

Cameron Grimes talking about John Cena returning to RAW:

“I think it’s absolutely incredible that John Cena’s back,” Grimes said.

“I’ll actually go to a side story here. I remember around 2007, maybe, RAW was in Raleigh, NC and I got to go to the show. John Cena came out, took his shirt off, whipped it around, threw it in the crowd, and I caught that t-shirt. I remember catching that t-shirt and the first thing I did was look at the tag on the shirt. I had to know what size t-shirt he was wearing. He had a XXXL t-shirt on and it was still tight on his arms.”

“That man is a freak. John Cena is the man. I look up to him so much. Anytime that he can come back and truly be the star that he is on our show, I’m tuning in every time.”

Grimes talking about Cameron, NC:

“I feel like the only reason you would know about Cameron, NC is because of professional wrestling or sports entertainment,” Grimes laughed.

“I feel that unless you buy chickens, then you might know about Cameron, NC. I have a heritage of knowledge that I was able to learn from with The Hardy Boyz and ‘Hurricane’ Shane Helms. I got to learn from those guys and I got to train under those guys. For years, I was in the ring every single day. You couldn’t get me out of the ring. Then I got signed to WWE. Now I’m in better condition. I’m under the best coaches using the best equipment. You just can’t beat that. You can’t beat passion and hard work.”

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