Cathy Kelley: It’s A Little Bit Of A Detriment That Stephanie McMahon Is Not Full-time In WWE

Stephanie McMahon has been with WWE on and off again for the last few years. She opted to leave in 2022, only to return after Vince McMahon stepped down as CEO. However, that didn’t last long. In January 2023, Stephanie announced that she was no longer with the company in an executive role days after her father voted himself back, alongside George Barrios and Michelle Wilson, to the Board of Directors.

Stephanie has attended several WWE shows this year, including WWE WrestleMania XL—Night 2. At Mania, she cut a promo saying she had the privilege of being at every WrestleMania and that this year’s event was the first of the Paul Levesque era.

Backstage WWE interviewer Cathy Kelly spoke about the importance of Stephanie to WWE while appearing on B4theBell.

“She really is an advocate for so many women. She’s not the advocate, but she is an advocate for so many women, and she is so versatile in everything that she has accomplished and has been able to do throughout her career, so I think it’s a little bit of a detriment that we don’t have her there full-time right now. God, I love her so much…..I’ve talked about this before. She is the reason I came back. We had multiple conversations before I came back, and she is the one that really encouraged me to come back… [what convinced her to do so] was her being at the helm. It was her and Triple H and they really took care of me the first time that I was there.”

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