Charlie Haas is open to reforming World’s Greatest Tag Team with Shelton Benjamin in WWE

In an exclusive interview for, Charlie Haas talked about his wrestling career and what he is currently doing on the independent scene.

On possibly reforming The World’s Greatest Tag Team or wrestling as a singles wrestler in WWE again, Haas said, “Oh, yeah, definitely. I’m in shape for it. I’ve been wrestling lately, doing a lot of single stuff. But I would do it in a second. If the storyline was right. If it was going to honor World’s Greatest Tag Team, if it was going to put us in a right place to catapult us to maybe into getting into Hall of Fame status then I definitely would. But if it’s going to hurt us in any way, and just hurt what we have worked so hard for then I wouldn’t do it. That’s where I’m at right now in my career. So it all depends on the storyline and what would happen.”

Haas added, “Never Say Never in this business. Never say never. You just never know.”

Charlie Haas on how he got started watching pro wrestling and how he got started in the business:

My dad was in the Secret Service. So he’s a federal agent. He was stationed at the White House Down there in DC. And so we were living in Reston, Virginia, and cable was just starting coming out. We turned on the WWF at the time, and I saw Ray Crippler Stevens pile driving Jimmy Superfly Snuka on the cement, not once but twice. And all of a sudden, he started doing the shake and bloods everywhere, and then I was hooked ever since then. Cable came out and I turn on 6:05 to 8:05 [TBS] one time. There’s Gordon Solie now with Georgia Championship Wrestling, which turned out to be World Championship Wrestling, the Four Horsemen and Arn Anderson and Ric Flair and Tully Blanchard and Ole Anderson…but how we got into it was my dad get stationed out to Oklahoma City before the Oklahoma City bombing out there, but he was stationed out there and so we’re out there and I was just a really big wrestling fan because I was lucky to get Mid South and the territories at the time…I got all those territories because we were stationed right in the center of the United States. So I was hooked and plus I would collect all the magazines. I was just a wrestling mark fan…That’s what I was. I was that. After college, I wanted to get into wrestling and ECW was taking off and we’re out on the East Coast right away. And we’re out on the east coast, where Seton Hall was and I was just very fortunate at the time to go out there and try to get a tryout with ECW at the School of Hardcore with Taz and Perry Saturn, but they wanted $3,500. I didn’t have the money coming out of college. So I found Iron Mike Sharpe had a school down in Asbury Park, and it was $100 down $20 a week. I’m like well that’s more my speed. So I was there for 10 months, me and my brother. We were actually working in the ring with Iron Mike Sharpe before anybody else so it really helped a lot. Iron Mike Sharpe, if anyone doesn’t know, he was a WWF guy. He was a very well-skilled individual, big human being, but he worked for WWF for a long time and his dad, the Sharpe brothers, they held the record for the most tag team titles for a long long time. So you know, Iron Mike Sharpe, he was Canada’s greatest athlete. That’s what he called himself and he had the leather gimmick or whatever you want to call it that would help protect his forearm.”

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