Charlotte Flair comments on possible match with Ronda Rousey, The Rock shares throwback photo

– Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson decided to share a throwback photo on his official Instagram account. As seen below, he wrote the following about his football days as a senior year in high school.

“TBT. Senior year. ‘We are the champions, my friend.. and we’ll keep on fighting ’til the end.’ We’ll also continue the scientific research on why I’m only 17yrs old in this pic, but look 47.”

– Former Raw Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair spoke with Ringside Collectibles about various topics. During the interview, she was asked about a possible match with Ronda Rousey at an upcoming Wrestlemania. She said that she would win in a match against the former UFC women’s bantamweight champion and show her who the real Four Horsewoman is.

Flair also talked about her WWE career, the Mae Young Classic, possible women TV show and more. You can watch it the interview here:

– WWE has uploaded the latest episode of WWE Unboxed with Zack Ryder. As seen in the video below, the episode features Ryder visiting the NECA booth at San Diego Comic-Con International.

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