Charlotte Flair Wants to Break Her Father’s World Title Record: I’m Definitely Chasing 17

Charlotte Flair has done it all in WWE as she has held all the top titles the company has for its women’s division with 14 reigns as a Women’s Champion.

John Cena tied Ric Flair’s record of 16 World Title reigns when he defeated AJ Styles for the WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble in 2017.

While speaking with New York Live, Flair talked about her goal of surpassing the record. Here are the highlights.

Her break from WWE last year:

“It feels like I never left. Yeah, like time flies so fast. No, but the break was good for me physically and emotionally, but it just made me realize how lucky I am. And, like, I really do have the best job in the world. I put smiles on people’s faces doing what I love and what I do best. And that’s being a WWE Superstar.”

Why she prefers being a heel:

“No, I still take it very seriously, but I think I’ve always played a bad guy, and coming back, I’ve been more of a good guy. I mean, I still think they love to boo me, but realizing that at this stage of my career, I get to interact with the kids sitting in the front row where for so many years, it was like, ‘No, I’m so angry. Boo me.’ It’s been really rewarding being able to interact with the kids. No, it’s fun. It’s so much easier being the bad guy. Well, think about having to walk out, making sure people like you. Like, what if they don’t like me? Harder. It feels forced. No, but I mean, I think what I’ve done for women’s wrestling and with WWE, it’s more people respect my career, and the kids look at me as like, ‘Oh my God, there’s the queen.’”

Main eventing WrestleMania 35:

“I think it was the first time that I really walked out. It was New York, New Jersey, and I was like, I’m doing exactly what I said I was going to do in a male-dominated world, and no one thought women could do that. So it was just like one of those like, I belong here. Yeah, I have to do it again. Yeah, well.”

Wanting to break the World Title record:

“So John Cena just tied my dad. So now I have Cena and my dad to beat. But no, I’m definitely chasing 17. And I think if, or when I break the record, it’ll be like a woman did it in a male-dominated industry. And I hope that encourages women in all industries that we can do it all. Yeah.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article, please credit New York Live with an h/t to for the transcription.

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