Chris Jericho bans Sexy Star from his podcast: “you’re a sexy piece of sh*t”

Sexy Star’s shoot on Rosemary at TripleMania might have gotten both of those women even more famous for the oppisite reasons. People are flocking around Rosemary and are defending her fervently. Meanwhile, if we found out villagers were marching up to Sexy Star’s house with flaming torches and pitchforks like they’re hunting Frankenstein’s Monster we wouldn’t be surprised.

A lot of people have weighed in on the issue including Jim Cornette and his take on it was priceless. But there are plenty more people who would love to vent their outrage about the situation, including Chris Jericho.

“If that’s true, Sexy Star… you’re a sexy piece of sh-t.” Chris Jericho said on Talk Is Jericho. “So is anybody that books you from now on. Wrestling is a  — you’re giving someone your body there’s a lot of trust and to do something malicious on purpose… I don’t care what the circumstances are that’s just bad, bad news man.”

Jericho was serious and you could tell because he didn’t say anything about Sexy Star making any list. But he did do one thing he could think of which is refusing to promote her work from this point on through his podcast.

“I don’t know where her mind is at, never met her, at this point, I don’t think I want to. Sexy Star you are now going to have a lifetime ban from Talk Is Jericho. Sexy Star is banned from Talk Is Jericho for life. There you go. There’s my little piece of the pie and that’s what I say about that.”

At this rate, if Sexy Star keeps getting banned the way she has been, who knows where she’ll pop up next. But the better question is probably who would stick their neck out enough to ever give her a chance in a wrestling match under their banner.

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