Chris Jericho reveals what Vince McMahon said when he told him about All In

Cody Rhodes and The Young Bucks’ self-funded professional wrestling event, All In, is set for September 1st in Illinois. The event sold out in just 30 minutes. Recently, Rhodes and The Young Bucks joined Chris Jericho’s podcast, Talk Is Jericho, to talk about All In.

During their conversation, Jericho revealed a conversation he had with WWE’s Vince McMahon a few months ago in which he told Vince about All In. He revealed McMahon’s initial reaction to the news. Here’s what Jericho said about the conversation:

“Speaking about Vince [McMahon], I told Vince about All In four or five months ago,” Jericho revealed to Rhodes during the podcast. “We were just discussing it, shooting the breeze and I go, ‘yeah the show is in September in Chicago.’ Vince is like, ‘ah I wish they would have called me. September is the worst time of the year to promote — it’s terrible!’

“I’m like, you’re got old-school forty years of promoting and [he says] ‘they should have called me,'” Jericho said.

H/T Wrestling Inc. for the transcriptions

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