Chris Masters: “There were some times where John Cena had voiced displeasure in my work”

On this week’s episode of the “Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling” Chris Masters discussed working with both Shawn Michaels and John Cena during his time in the WWE.

Chris Masters reveals that Shawn Michaels was his hero growing up:

“For me it was like, imagine just any kid, like the kid who grew up idolizing Michael Jordan and then breaks into the NBA and even more so gets to play in the NBA Finals. Because to me, outside of winning the world championship, kind of the highest accolade was either to win the World title or to be able to wrestle Shawn Michaels on a pay-per-view event,” Master said.

“He was the man when it came to pay-per-view. He gave you pay-per-view caliber matches and so to me, that was the highest honor. I just know that when going into that situation, I just couldn’t get it out of my head. I’m like, man, ‘You got to make sure you bring it come PPV day because you don’t ever want to look back at this and know that you were the only guy to have a bad PPV match with HBK.’”

Masters said he doesn’t think John Cena liked working with him:

“I just don’t think John was too big on working with me at the time,” Masters revealed.

“I think it was just a little more difficult for us to have good matches with each other. I think it was just that Shawn was easy to have matches with, but Shawn had so much experience too.”

“We (Cena and Masters) never got a good rhythm in terms of our working. That was probably my fault, but it’s hard to say for sure,” Chris said.

“I just remember that there were some times where Cena had voiced displeasure in my work. It was difficult because I was working with HBK and Cena. Shawn even stuck up for me a few times saying that he didn’t have any problem working with me, and he said it out loud, which was appreciated. ”

“It’s just, I think that I had some issues too, around that time. So maybe that contributed to some of that, who knows for sure, but for whatever reason, I just felt like Cena just didn’t take too much pleasure working with me and maybe he felt like I didn’t give him enough of a chance, so I don’t know. I don’t know the specifics. It’s been such a long time.”

Other topics discussed by Masters included his WWE run, feud with Bobby Lashley, Vince McMahon, UPW, OVW, the NWA, and so much more!

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling Podcast with a h/t to for the transcription.

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