Clearing up some Daniel Bryan/WWE conspiracy theories

As noted earlier this week, Daniel Bryan wrote “Can WWE clear me already?” on his Instagram account. Well, as of today, there are no plans for a secret return at the Royal Rumble or WrestleMania as some have speculated and the company is not holding him off until a certain date.

I know there have been some conspiracy theories from fans that think that WWE is just trying to keep things low-key so they can surprise the fans but that is not the case at all. Everything boils down to WWE doctor Joseph Maroon. Maroon is the head of medical for WWE and he still has not cleared him to wrestle. If Maroon clears Bryan then it would need to be okayed by Vince McMahon. That’s where things stand as of today.

There is no hidden story in play and Bryan is not being punished for anything. One theory going around amongst fans is that WWE is keeping Bryan at home because it would affect Roman Reigns’ reaction from fans. That is not the case either. The last word on Bryan is that it is unlikely for him to be cleared at this point but the door is not shut on that happening. Bryan has been training just in case he does get cleared to wrestle.

Here’s Bryan’s Instagram post, for those that missed it:

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