CM Punk given his official release from the company?; WWE/Dish Network update

There is a report on today stating that CM Punk may have received his official release from WWE. That was the word going around at the house shows this past weekend. I haven’t been able to get independent confirmation on that but if that is indeed the case then that pretty much tells you about how WWE feels in regards to their chances of getting things worked out with Punk.

The WWE has their yearly results conference call this Thursday. We will be covering it here on It should be interesting since there should be questions about the WWE Network and their TV deal. The February 14th exclusive negotiating deadline with USA has passed so it will be interesting to see if they discuss that. There is no word on whether or not WWE will look at other offers outside of the NBC Universal family. The expectation is that an announcement will be made in March or April on the TV situation.

Several readers called Dish Network and were given a standard answer about the WWE Elimination Chamber not being listed on the Dish Network website. Some people were told that Dish had no intention on not carrying the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view. One reader noted to us that the Elimination Chamber was not listed on their programming guide. So I guess we’ll find out this week. If Dish does indeed pull the show and all WWE pay-per-views going forward that will set a big precedent and could set the wheels in motion for other cable and satellite providers to pull WWE from pay-per-view.

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