CM Punk’s issues in AEW seemingly referenced during WWE SmackDown

Plenty of people outside of AEW have been talking about the backstage turmoil in AEW involving CM Punk, Hangman Page, The Young Bucks, and Kenny Omega.

After Punk’s comments at the AEW All Out media scrum where he ripped Colt Cabana, Hangman Adam Page, and the AEW EVPs, there was a backstage fight involving Punk, Omega, Ace Steel, and The Young Bucks.

As previously noted, WWE star Natalya threw shade at Punk on Twitter regarding the situation.

During Friday’s SmackDown, lead announcer Michael Cole seemingly alluded to the subject when he and Corey Graves were recapping the segment with Ronda Rousey and WWE official Adam Pierce last week. Pierce did a promo and Rousey got physical with him.

Cole said Rousey was disciplined internally and the results of which will not be made public. He added that “Sources told me WWE official Adam Pierce has gotten carried away, he’s aired the dirty laundry publicly, hence the reason this investigation has been taken behind the scenes.”

Many fans took that as Cole referencing the situation as Punk discussed his issues with the stars mentioned above in a public way.

H/T to Wrestling Inc for the transcript

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