Cody Rhodes recently pushed for a WWE match with John Cena

Ahead of WWE WrestleMania Goes Hollywood, Cody Rhodes had a special moment with John Cena during an episode of WWE Raw as Cena had returned earlier this month in Boston to set up his upcoming match with United States Champion Austin Theory.

After the in-ring promo segment, Cena walked up the ramp and endorsed Rhodes, who walked out. They embraced before cutting to commercial. Coming out of that show, Cody tweeted, ‘Reward their noise every time,’ which was thought to be what Cena told Rhodes during the special moment.

That isn’t the case. While speaking with Stadium Astro, Rhodes revealed that his tweet referred to what Cena said to him during a car ride years ago. Instead, what they said during the exchange was Rhodes thanking Cena and pushing for him to be Cena’s opponent in his next match. Cena told him that he couldn’t promise a match would happen.

“Actually, that was something he told me in the car when I was driving him around in 2008? 2009? What he said to me on Raw was I was telling him if he ever does another match, I would like it to be with him,” Rhodes stated. “I think you could hear him pretty well, he says, ‘I can’t promise that.’ But I also didn’t want to make it about myself at that moment. I just endlessly thanked him and then he was at the Nightmare Factory a week later talking to our students. It was something in the car that was just not like his axiom. It was a genuine way he approached live events and shows and rewarding their noise.”

You can watch the entire interview by clicking on the player below:

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