Corey Graves says he was fined for cursing during WWE Raw segment

Corey Graves joked on Twitter about setting up a GoFundMe account so that he could raise funds to pay his fine for saying “holy sh**” on Monday Night Raw.

For those of you that missed it, Graves said the word when Braun Stroman speared Bobby Lashley through the stage wall in the opening match.

As noted last night, the word “sh**” is allowed on cable television but many shows, including WWE, don’t use it but you hear it on some cable dramas. WWE has tried to maintain a PG product so they’ve been careful with certain words not making it on the air.

That changed on Monday night now that Paul Heyman is in charge. It was clear that his fingerprints were on the show this week with the opening angle, Mike and Maria Kanellis, the Street Profits moving up to the main roster and AJ Styles turning heel and reuniting (officially) with The Club.

Heyman will not be appearing as an authority figure but will continue his role as Brock Lesnar’s advocate. It will be interesting to see what else he has planned for the show, especially when new feuds begin after Extreme Rules.

The word used by Graves was also included on the west coast airing so it’s clear that it was something he was supposed to say.

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