Daniel Bryan has been pulled from WWE-related projects

Since news broke about Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson) no longer being under contract, news on his status in wrestling has been scarce and it’s anyone’s guess what he will do next. At this point, it does not look like he has signed a new contract and if that is the case, then the likelihood of him signing elsewhere increases because WWE had been trying for months to get him to sign a new deal before his contract expired.

On Wrestling Observer Live, Bryan Alvarez said that Bryan has been pulled from non-WWE projects.

“There’s some WWE projects being done…it might be the video game because when WWE started releasing all of those people, I mean one of the things that people don’t think about is when they do this with no warning, that the folks that do stuff like the video game, all of a sudden they have to scramble to take people out of the video game because WWE doesn’t like having people in the video game where they are paying royalties to somebody that is no longer with them anymore.

I’m not sure if it’s the video game or what it is but one of these projects that involves obviously the wrestlers in WWE, they were alerted today that this person, this person, this person, this person, this person no longer with WWE and one of the people they mentioned was Daniel Bryan. Realistically, he’s not with the company, that’s true but that is an indication that at this point take him out of whatever project this is because he’s not with this company.

As noted in the Observer, that honestly means nothing because if there is a secret deal for him to return on the July 16th SmackDown…if there’s a deal for him to make a big return there or at the pay-per-view, bro if you are in that department then you aren’t going to be told so you’re gonna be busy taking him out of whatever this is and then once he returns, now you are going to have to scramble to put him back in because it’s on a need to know basis. Unfortunately some of these departments, they don’t need to know. They know when you the fan knows and it’s frustrating for them. I’m not saying he’s coming back. I don’t know if he’s coming back here, I don’t know if he’s going to AEW, I don’t know if he’s going to New Japan, I don’t know if he’s not doing anything and most everyone else doesn’t know either.”

Dave Meltzer recently reported that the Daniel Bryan mentions on WWE TV are only being done because his name is part of the story for the Edge and Roman Reigns storyline. Basically, the story being told is that Edge could have beaten Reigns if Bryan was not inserted into the match. There is no indication that Bryan has signed a new WWE contract and no indication that he plans on going back there unless a secret deal has been worked out.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Wrestling Observer Live with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription

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