Daniel Bryan says WWE ignores his creative suggestions

WWE Superstar Daniel Bryan was recently a guest on the Gorilla Position podcast to talk about several professional wrestling topics. During the interview, the former WWE World Heavyweight Champ revealed that he has his creative suggestions shot down by the professional wrestling juggernaut a lot of times.

When Bryan has a suggestion towards creative he claims that “95% of the time” it falls on deaf ears:

“If I see stuff on the show that I don’t like, right, I’ll be like, ‘okay,’ for me, for my stuff, I’ll go in and I’ll say, like, ‘hey, I don’t like this because of this, this, and this. Here’s my idea of how to fix it, how I think it’s better,'” Bryan said.

“And 95% of the time, nothing changes, but I’m not like, ‘you need to do this’ or ‘you need to do that’ or whatever it is. It’s like, ‘hey, this is my opinion from my experience within this business and this is how I think it would work better both for me and who I’m working with.’ But I don’t fight for it because I’m happy to be back.”

WWE Hall Of Famer Shawn Michaels once pulled Bryan aside and explained to Bryan that even the likes of John Cena still have to fight to ensure that their segments are the very best that they can be:

“So Shawn Michaels once showed me.” Bryan said. “He told me, but he showed me. He said, ‘look at John over there.’ He’s talking about John Cena. ‘He is constantly fighting every week to make sure that his segments are the best possible segments that they can be.’ Right?

“And so, like, that’s a gift that you have to fight every week. And I have to re-get, get back into that mindset of fighting for that and I don’t know that I’m mentally at that place yet. Now I’m just mentally grateful for being back.”

You can listen to Bryan’s full interview on the Gorilla Position podcast by clicking this link here.

H/T Wrestling Inc. for the transcriptions

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