Daniel Garcia comments on creative changes in WWE, says Triple H is ‘one of the greatest ever’

AEW star Daniel Garcia was interviewed on the Battleground podcast. Garcia was on the show to talk about the feud between the Jericho Appreciation Society and Blackpool Combat Club. He also talked about his big win over Bryan Danielson last week on AEW Dynamite and about the changes happening in WWE.

Garcia was asked if he sees himself as the MVP of AEW:

“I’ve been the MVP over the past year since I got here. I’ve had the most televised main events over the past year. Every opportunity that they’ve given me, I have knocked it out of the park. When I got to AEW, people went, ‘Who is Daniel Garcia? Why is he getting so many main events?’ Once a main event happened, the next one happened, and the next one happened, and you saw how high of a level I was performing at, everybody knew why I was getting put in those situations. Tony can see talent and Tony can pick out talent. He was able to see my talent very early on and other people are just starting to catch up to what Tony is seeing right now.”

Thoughts on Triple H taking over creative in WWE:

“My time in NXT was maybe a day. Triple H, I’m a huge fan of. I think he’s one of the greatest ever. He was one of my favorites when I was a kid. He’s offered us so many great memories that are kind of like my first memories in wrestling. Like the thumbs up, thumbs down, that kind of stuff is the first stuff that I remember watching when I was a kid. That really made me and my family really strong wrestling fans in that area. I mean, it was hard not to watch Triple H during that time. He was plastered all over the WWE product. He was the franchise player.”

“I think it’s great that he’s taken over. I mean, I don’t know what their plans are over there, but I think it’s great. I think it’s going to give a lot of independent wrestlers great opportunities in professional wrestling at a very high level, and I think that’s good for everybody. More valid places for wrestlers to work is going to create a lot more opportunities for everybody around, and it’s going to create a lot more competition. I think healthy competition, maybe even some unhealthy competition, is good for everybody.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Battleground podcast with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription.

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