Davey Boy Smith, Jr. confirms odd behavior by Vince McMahon and Pat Patterson at Rocky Johnson’s funeral

The Hannibal TV has a follow-up on what happened at Rocky Johnson’s funeral when Vince McMahon and Pat Patterson had their turn to speak about him.

Harry Smith (Davey Boy Smith, Jr.) says he was at the funeral and he confirmed to Devon Nicholson that McMahon and Patterson’s behavior was odd.

Nicholson said that Smith was not available for a Skype call at the moment but he said Smith told him, “I could confirm this.” Nicholson says Smith told him, “I think Vince and Pat were both really strange or they were drunk or they were a bit of both, probably. Pat’s microphone got cut off because he was talking so long at the funeral. Pat’s final ending line was, ‘you know last night I was drunk and I was drinking water or what I thought was in the sink and then the toilet seat fell on my head.'”

Smith, via Nicholson, continued, “Vince said ‘Rocky Johnson was a great wrestler but the greatest thing he ever did was marry Ata and Ata had some kids. Then he walked out of the building. Vince strutted on and off the stage like he was cutting a promo. He looked like he had really shrunk [in size] … Vince and Pat are both completely out to lunch. I thought they were drunk but I spoke to Pat and maybe he’s just going senile.”

Nicholson said he has heard stories about Pat going senile from other people. He continued to read more from Davey Boy: “I don’t think Pat’s memory is that good.”

Nicholson said he spoke to Johnson’s best friend, Al Rosen. According to Nicholson, Rosen says nobody from the family was offended by Vince’s behavior.

You can click here if you want details on what Superstar Billy Graham said happened at the funeral.

Watch the video below to hear Devon Nicholson discuss what happened at the funeral.

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