DDP says he declined offer from Ric Flair to wrestle in last match

During his interview on “The Sessions with Renee Paquette,” Diamond Dallas Page said that Ric Flair wanted him to be in his final match:

DDP said, “Ric Flair actually called me and asked me if I would be in the match with him and do a six-man. At first he said, ‘How old are you?’ I said, ‘66.’ He said, ‘I’ve seen you. You’re in great shape. I really would love to have you in this match.’ I said, ‘Ric, I can’t do it. I feel so good. I can’t take a chance of hurting myself.’ He said, ‘I feel great.’ I said, ‘You’re not from this planet.’ That’s when he talked me into doing the roast.”

Page recently said on his own podcast that Conrad Thompson offered him one last match and he turned it down because he was happy with the match he had on an episode of Dynamite a couple of years ago.

Also during the interview, DDP talked about DDPY, hyperbaric chambers, oxygen deprivation, pulling wrestlers from rock bottom with his DDPY program, Jake “The Snake” Roberts, and a nice Scott Hall story. Click below to listen to the podcast. 

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit The Sessions with Renée Paquette with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription.

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