Dean Ambrose offers honest take on some members of WWE roster

Former WWE Champion Dean Ambrose made some interesting comments about a select few members of the WWE main roster whether that be on Monday Night Raw or SmackDown Live.

The WWE star recently made an appearance on Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins’ podcast, the Major Wrestling Figure Podcast, where he spoke about a wide range of topics including some talents being in wrestling purely for money and not for the love of the business.

“You guys are like me. There’s a lot of people that are just here for money,” stated Ambrose. “They didn’t grow up watching it, they don’t care what they do, and have no artistic care for what they do. You guys are like me where (wrestling) is all we’ve ever loved.”

Ambrose, who is slated to depart from the WWE in April once his contract expires, also shared an interesting story about an incident that he had with some fans while at an airport a few years ago. To read that story, click here.

You can listen to the entire interview by clicking on the player below:

H/T to Fightful for the transcript

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