Diamond Dallas Page exposed to COVID-19

WWE Hall of Famer Diamond Dallas Page uploaded a video to his YouTube channel where he revealed that he was exposed to COVID-19.

He originally talked about how he had a scare before to the point where he went and got tested after hanging out with someone the day before the person found out that they had tested positive.

However, he later got comfortable and went on with his life. DDP told a story about how some of his family members, Brittany and Paige, went to a bridal shower where there were 16 other people and no one was wearing masks. It turns out that at least 7 of the women ended up with COVID-19 from the shower.

About two or three days later after the shower, DDP started feeling sick then Paige did as well and they thought it was COVID-19.

“Because our minds are going to go right to that and like where could that even come from? Not even thinking about the bridal shower.”

He continued by talking about having trouble with finding a place to get tested for the virus but did get tested. In the process, his symptoms worsened. He didn’t have a fever over 99 degrees but Paige had a bad fever. He went several days without getting his results back and during this time, his doctor told him that he had the virus because of the symptoms he had.

Moving along, Paige tested positive, but DDP tested negative although he and his doctor think the result from the test was wrong. He recalled how AEW star QT Marshall had tested positive for the virus and that was 20 days ago. QT only had symptoms for three days.

DDP sent a reminder to people about caring about others and if you don’t want to wear a mask for you then do it for others along with social distancing.

You can watch the entire video by clicking on the player below:


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