Drew McIntyre Is Going To Push To Have A Match With John Cena: ‘I’m Going To Get That Match’

WWE Raw star Drew McIntyre recently appeared on The Ringer Wrestling podcast. McIntyre discussed how he got a role in upcoming movie, ‘The Killer’s Game’, and if he would like to continue to do more movies in the future:

“I mean, it’s not something I really thought much about. I’ve always just wanted to wrestle and hopefully be fortunate enough to do it as long as possible to kind of secure retirement where I was able to say I made my money since I was 15, just wrestling, but the opportunity came up to be part of Dave’s (Bautista) movie, ‘The Killer’s game’, which is coming out in September. By the way, that’s coming out next month. It’s bizarre to see myself on a poster in the movie theaters now. Dave called me himself and he basically told me the premise of the movie. I know it’s very John Wick like, but more comedic elements involved. All the hit men and hit women in it are just unbelievable. Dave puts a hit on himself. He believes he’s got a terminal illness. Turns out it may not be true and a lot of people are coming after him, a lot of bad people. They were looking for a character, a couple of Scottish brothers. J.J. Perry, the director, said to Dave, ‘I just need somebody that’s big enough and opposing enough that he could beat you up and kind of looks the part.’ You know, what you’d expect from a Scottish person. I’m going to perhaps use some of the Scottish slang, because we have some fun slang in Scotland, and perhaps be unintelligible while he’s talking at times.’ If anybody talks to me in real life, I enunciate more when I’m on the microphone but in real life, I’m a mumbler. I talk quietly. I talk kind of fast. I’ve got a Scottish accent. Dave went, ‘I know that guy. He exists in real life’. So he called me up. We had a chat. WWE were cool with it. It was a lot of fun. Yea, I may see more in the future.”

On him wanting a match with John Cena during Cena’s retirement tour:

“Cena is coming back for his year long return which is going to be awesome. I don’t know if I’m figured in the plans, but I guarantee I’ll be pushing and I’ll be nudging them left and right to make it happen because the amount of stories I’ve got about Punk and things that happened when I was younger, I’ve got 10 fold on him. There’s never been a one on one match. If I have to drive management crazy, I’ll drive them crazy, drive John crazy. I’m going to get that match and I’ll tear them apart on the microphone, which not many people can do in the ring, and send him packing in a happy retirement and hopefully Punk along with him.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit The Ringer Wrestling Show with a h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription

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