Drew McIntyre is still determined to wrestle John Cena in a singles match

Drew McIntyre has wrestled some of the biggest names in pro wrestling such as Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton, and Roman Reigns, but one star that he hasn’t wrestled in a singles match is John Cena.

McIntyre has talked about wanting to wrestle Cena at WrestleMania 39 and doubled down on his desire to get this match booked. While speaking on WWE’s The Bump, McIntyre discussed what Cena means to him.

“John’s always been such an inspiration to me. I wish I would’ve followed his mindset and work ethic when I was younger rather than just observing it. I think I got things handed to me a little easier when I was younger, I lost perspective and I had to get fired to realize what I had lost and realize to be happier than just being a water boy and giving it my all. I thought to myself what would Cena do? He would work his butt off 24/7 because he realizes how fortunate he was to get the opportunities that he got. He made them happen, it wasn’t just gifted to him and he made it happen and he was rewarded for his hard work. And I really took on that Cena style of work ethic and I do it to this day. When I tore the biceps right off my arm I went right into the same rehab place that he went to and said give me the Cena treatment.”

McIntyre added, “I’ve called him out a few times, he hasn’t reciprocated and that’s okay. I said I don’t need any help. I’ll keep working forward, and make things happen on my own. But if John and I end up in a ring together one day for one last match. That is one singles match I’ve never had. I’ll work and try and make it happen.’

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit WWE’s The Bump with an h/t to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription

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