Drew McIntyre on potentially wrestling The Undertaker: “I know we can give them an incredible match”

Drew McIntyre recently spoke with TV Insider where he spoke about a wide range of topics. 

During the interview, he expressed interest in a possible match with The Undertaker. Although there have been rumors that a match could take place, nothing has happened thus far. 

McIntyre talked about if there have been any talks of revisiting a possible feud. 

“If it was possible to have that singles match with The Undertaker, it would be a huge moment for me,” McIntyre said. “I know we can give them an incredible match. I know just based on that face off we had and the response we got, I know visually it would be impressive. I know in-ring wise I can help him [have] The Undertaker match he deserves and the fan’s deserves.”

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