EC 3 comments on woman checking him out in hilarious fashion

EC 3 is a very entertaining character and is known to cut a joke on Twitter. He has a great sense of humor as well as evidenced by the following response to a fan letting EC 3 know that his grandfather is a fan of the former 2-time TNA World Champion.

As the WWE Universe sits and waits for EC 3’s debut on WWE or NXT television the excitement only grows on how they will use this outstanding Superstar. He’s been a main eventer for their competition and seems to have carried over the same quick-witted egotistical character along with him as well.

One fan pointed out that a female patron in the crowd was caught on screen looking at EC 3 like he was a piece of meat and asked the man himself what she was looking at. The response EC 3 sent out was simply a one-word reply but it was pretty hilarious nonetheless.

Whenever Ethan Carter III finally appears on WWE television it’s going to be extremely entertaining because the man certainly has a way with words.


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