EC3: Velveteen Dream set up a camera in a bathroom, filmed wrestlers without their consent during WWE NXT stint

EC3 recalled a bizarre incident involving Patrick Clark Jr., better known as Velveteen Dream, while working for WWE in NXT.

Dream was in the headlines this week after being arrested on August 26 for possession of drug paraphernalia and then battery and trespassing six days earlier.

While speaking with Sportskeeda’s “The Wrestling Outlaws” show, EC3 told an in-depth story about Dream’s behavior at a house party that he was hosting. EC3 started off by noting that Clark has a lot of demons in the closet and there had been speculation in NXT that he was a little off, but you welcome that and can be friends with someone like that.

“We had a party and it was at my place, and he came over because I’m being friendly and I’m top guy, and I tried to welcome everybody into the thing. He left his phone in my bathroom with the camera on trying to capture people taking pi**es, so there.”

EC3 recalled the camera was positioned next to the soap dispenser to film people using the toilet:

“How did I know? Because it’s my bathroom. When I walk in there and I see a phone selfie-style, propped up, on, filming, where if somebody is going to take a pee, they would have their phallus out urinating into the water…”

Dream allegedly took cocaine in front of a police officer in November 2021. EC3 noted that if Dream can allegedly do so something like that then what could he do behind the cop’s back. EC3 stated that the party was late at night and there was drinking going on.

“I’m like, ‘What is going on? Am I tripping?’ I shouldn’t be because I don’t do drugs that would trip me out, so I’m like, ‘This is actually happening.’” EC3 added, “What I did was I took the phone, I stopped the recording, I made sure the pee pee video of my wee wee was deleted because that was happening in my home, by the way.”

He continued, “So delete, put it back, turn it back on so it looked like it was still happening… ha ha, the big elaborate ruse… I walk out of my own bathroom because this is where I live, I sit on the couch, I go and I wait, and he goes right back in the bathroom,” said EC3. “I go back in right after that… phone’s gone. I’m like, ‘I can’t believe this.’”

EC3 told his guests after the incident to leave because he didn’t want to make a scene.

“Here’s the problem. Unnamed talents, that I will not name, in this moment in time were probably doing other things in that bathroom, so instead of a blatant confrontation, I just said, ‘Everybody get out, I’m going to bed, go, get out.’”

Fightful’s Sean Ross Sapp noted that he heard the same story a few years ago:

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