Eric Bischoff: The Bloodline story ‘blows the NWO story out of the water’

Eric Bischoff discussed the late great Sensational Sherri Martel on this week’s “83 Weeks” podcast. 

Bischoff said The Bloodline story blows the NWO storyline out of the water:

“This is truly some of the best storytelling and most disciplined storytelling. For the last couple years, unfortunately you had to listen to me babble and drone and rant on and on an on about disciplined, quality, structured storytelling and I’ve gotten so much heat for that, especially amongst the AEW fans because I’m quick to point out that’s what’s lacking over there. All of a sudden, we’re seeing disciplined, structured, progressively compelling, episodic television with great characters, and guess what? It’s hot. It just proves my point.”

“I’m really hoping that when this is over, WWE and everybody involved sits back and says, ‘All right. That worked pretty good. We’ve told a great story. Let’s go back and dissect it and figure out exactly what we did so well.’ Don’t just move past it. This storyline, the build-up, and everything about it has been flawless, and it’s the elements and discipline that went into that story that has made it so good. If you can figure out a formula based on those elements, because every match is going to be different, every situation is going to be different, but if you’ve got a template, if you’ve got a formula, 7 times out of 10, you’re going to hit, and one of those is going to be a Bloodline type story.”

“I think it’s been the best story that’s been told in professional wrestling in 30 or more years, far better than NWO. In terms of its structure, it’s discipline, and I keep using that term discipline. What does that mean? That means sticking to the plan and sticking to the story. Don’t start throwing things in randomly and spontaneously because somebody had a good idea two hours before showtime, because that’s what typically happens. They stuck to the plan and they executed it perfectly. I think the NWO was a great story, and it’s day, and was, up until Bloodline, perhaps one of the best stories that has been told which is why people are talking about it. If you look at just the way Bloodline has been told and the detail and the discipline that goes into that story, it blows the NWO story out of the water.”

You can hear the entire podcast at

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