ESPN’s Amin Elhassan apologizes to Kevin Owens and his family

ESPN’s Amin Elhassan has finally apologized for his cheap shot at Kevin Owens’ 8-year old son. As we first noted on Wednesday, USA Today did short piece on Owens’ Universal title win and the joy that it brought his 8-year old son. Elhassan chimed in and made a comment about Owens’ son not knowing that wrestling is scripted. The part about wrestling being scripted is not what got people upset. It was the fact that he decided to pick on an 8-year old boy. Elhassan was ripped on twitter by fans and wrestlers and some fellow reporters. Cody Rhodes even called on WWE to distance themselves from ESPN.

You can check out the original story by clicking here.

As of this writing, Elhassan’s original tweet is still up on his timeline. You can see his apology tweet below:

Owens’ son was featured in Cathy Kelley’s latest YouTube segment:

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