ESPN’s Amin Elhassan takes a shot at Kevin Owens and his 8-year old son

This is a great week for Kevin Owens and his kids as they got to see their dad capture the WWE Universal Championship on Monday Night Raw. Owens’ 8-year old son’s Instagram post (see below) was featured on USA Today and just like any 8-year old boy, he was happy to see his father win a main WWE Championship on Monday Night Raw. However, that didn’t stop ESPN’s Amin Elhassan from taking a shot at Owens and his son.

Elhassan, instead of taking the high road, decided to comment on Owens’ son not knowing that wrestling is scripted. Perhaps, it would have been better to just let an 8-year old be proud of his dad but Elhassan decided to pick on an 8-year old boy. You can see the clip of Owens’ son below followed by some of Elhassan’s tweets.

In response to the USA Today article on Owens’ son, Elhassan wrote:

Elhassan refused to apologize even when he was ripped by fans and Bleacher Report’s Jonathan Snowden told him that he should apologize.

Richochet, Cody Rhodes and Jonathan Coachman also issued a response to Elhassan:

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