Ex-WWE star Patrick Clark (Velveteen Dream) was charged with cocaine possession and destroying physical evidence last year

There are more details coming out on Patrick Clark’s (Velveteen Dream) legal issues and one of his recent arrests appears to be tied to a previously unreported arrest from 2021.

Clark’s arrest in Orange County, FL on 8/20 for First Degree Battery and Trespassing on property after a warning, may have violated a probation from his November 2021 arrest, where he was arrested by the Alamonte Springs Police Department. According to Seminole County, FL Court records, Clark during the November 2021 arrest, was charged with possession of cocaine (use or possession of drug paraphernalia), destroying/altering/concealing physical evidence, and having no lamps/illuminating devices at night.

Per court records, on 4/12/22, the judge in the case sentenced him to 12 months probation on the drug paraphernalia charge, along with a $213 fine to pay court costs and he had to do community service. Clark was only 4 months into that probation when he was arrested on 8/20/22 and again on 8/26/22.

The following was stated in the arrest report for the November 2021 arrest:

On November 17, 2021, 2018, at approximately 2338 hours, I was conducting stationary surveillance at the Days Inn located at 150 S Westmonte Dr, which is a well-known narcotics area of the city. I noticed a blue Dodge Challenger bearing FL temporary tag DAW8872 driving around the property with no lights on. I observed the vehicle parking at random spots within the hotel property, staying stationary for a approximately 15 minutes then proceed to move to another parking area of the hotel. The vehicle circled the hotel two more times as it began to travel north on Westmonte Dr making a right at a traffic light to travel on east of SR 436.

I then began to drive east on SR 436 maintaining visual of the blue Dodge Challenger who still had no head lights on. Due to my vehicle being stopped at a red traffic light near SR 400 I requested PFC Belt to assist me with a traffic stop. PFC Belt activated his emergency blue and red lights to conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle on the SR 400 Westbound on ramp with me following directly behind. As PFC Belt exited his vehicle walking to the driver side I proceed to walk on the passenger side of the blue Dodge Challenger. Sitting inside I observed a black male later identified as, Patrick Clark, who was speaking with PFC Belt. Clark provided his Maryland driver’s license and vehicle information to PFC Belt, who then walked back to his patrol vehicle. I remained on the passenger side door keeping a visual of Clark to maintain Officer Safety.

While standing outside the passenger door I observed Clark pull a small clear baggie containing a white powdery substance out of his wallet. Clark proceeded to open the baggie placing the white powdery substance on the side of his left hand in a line pattern. Based on my training and experience I recognized the white powdery substance to be cocaine. At that time Clark began to sniff the white powdery substance up his nose. I began to wave PFC Belt over to the vehicle for assistance. I then began to tell Clark to drop the baggie and to place his hands in the air. During this time Clark was attempting to conceal the small clear baggie in between the driver seat and center console with white powdery substance spilling on the driver seat as well as his person. Clark then exited the vehicle and was placed in agency issued handcuffs for further investigation. 

Read Clark his Miranda Rights which he stated he understood and was willing to speak with me. Clark said he in fact was inhaling an illegal substance which he identified as cocaine. I asked Clark if he was at the Days Inn purchasing illegal narcotics which he stated he was there to meet a friend. At no time did he purchase narcotics in the city of Altamonte Springs, he buys his cocaine from a friend in Orlando. At no time was Clark uncooperative during the investigation and he was respectful towards Officers on scene.

A vehicle search was then conducted and I was able to locate the small baggie of cocaine I observed in Clark’s possession in between ie driver seat and center console.

The white powdery substances in the clear baggie was field tested and witnessed by Ofc Pfannerstill hich showed positive results for cocaine. Clark’s vehicle was towed from the scene by Courtesy Towing.

Based on the above information I find probable cause to charge Clark with F.S.S 893.13 6a Possession of Cocaine when I observed Clark sitting in the driver seat snorting a white powdery substance which field tested positive for cocaine from a small plastic baggie, and .S.S 918.13 1a Destroying evidence when Clark attempted to ingest the cocaine in the plastic baggie as he believed Law Enforcement was no longer able to observe his actions. This was an attempt to deceive law enforcement.

Clark was placed in agency issues handcuffs that were checked for proper fit and double locked. He was then transported to the Seminole County Jail for further processing. The cocaine was weighed on an agency calibrated scale showing bag weight of 0.1 grams. It was then dropped into evidence.

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