Finn Balor says the WWE UK tournament will grow UK wrestling scene, comments on Will Ospreay

Former WWE Universal Champion Finn Balor recently spoke with ESPN about Will Ospreay and more. “Will Ospreay has obviously done incredible things. He’s out in New Japan now, and that’s gonna really make him brush up on his fundamentals,” Balor said. He added that the fundamentals are literally the foundation for what wrestlers do and without those then there are holes in a wrestlers work that you can see from the backstage area.

The WWE UK tournament starts this month and will air on the WWE Network and crown the first ever WWE UK Champion. Balor stated that when he went to NJPW, nobody knew who he was and he has done okay for himself since then. He noted that people shouldn’t be fooled by the fact that they do not know the names of the wrestlers that will be in the tournament because the reason that they don’t know who they are is because we’ve never seen them before on a big stage. “The fact they may not be big names or used on a lot of big independent promotions, I don’t think that has any bearing on their ability,” Balor continued. “I think there’s gonna be a lot of standouts.”

He added that this tournament is great for WWE to be able to build a new brand but more importantly, it’s gonna stimulate growth in the UK wrestling scene. He added that this will benefit everyone in the UK.

You can read the entire interview here.

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