Former WWE/ECW star says he plans to retire this year

WWE/ECW legend Sabu was interviewed on the latest “Stories with Brisco and Bradshaw” podcast/YouTube show. Sabu was on the show to talk about his career and his uncle The Shiek.

Sabu on when he started wrestling:

“I got shot in the face, but as soon as I got out of the hospital, I said I’m gonna be a wrestler now.’ So I started lifting weights. Then I went out to my uncle’s about six weeks after that. Then I moved out there a few months after that, I got shot first and that kind of sparked me to do it now because I kept saying I’ll do it tomorrow or next year and it got too long. I had to do it.”

Sabu on how he got shot in the face:

“I was at a party and something came down. These guys got in a fight and out of the corner of my eyes, I see this guy with two guns. Boom, boom, boom, boom, shoot my friend in the stomach, but he didn’t get him in the stomach. It looked like he did, boom, boom boom and took off running and was running with a gun behind them. I ran up behind him, picked him up, threw him down, and when I threw him down, I came on top of him and he pushed the gun against my face and shot me. He got nine months for felonious assault because when he turned his back, I shouldn’t have done that. I took the law into my own hands when he turned his back. Not that I deserved to be shot, but the reason I got shot was because of my own fault they said.”

On who he would like to have his final match against:

“I’m hopefully setting up for my final match. I want to do a final match maybe in July or later. It’s probably going to be against Van Dam. I heard Van Dam say something that he wanted to have a barbed wire match for my last match. I said I would rather have a regular match. I want to have one of my better matches. The barbed wire match is a gimmick. The gimmick is my final match. That’s the gimmick.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Stories with Brisco and Bradshaw with a h/t to for the transcription. Quotes were transcribed by Jim for

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