Former WWE Raw announcer Adnan Virk Believes Joe Tessitore Can Reach Michael Cole Levels: “He’s A Great Hire For Nick Khan”

Former WWE Raw announcer Adnan Virk was interviewed on the Sports Media Podcast. Virk will be the host of Amazon Prime’s Monday Night Hockey broadcast in Canada. He also discussed his time working for WWE.

Adnan Virk on Joe Tessitore’s performance so far on Monday Night RAW:

“Tess and I are old friends from our ESPN days and both of us are very fond of Nick Khan, as you know, who’s doing a phenomenal job. So when things went down for me when I got the job, I remember Tess called me, and then when I lost the job, Tess called me, so he was great counsel both ways. Then this time when he got the job, I was thrilled for him. Basically, when I talked to him, I said, ‘I’m surprised it took so long. You are so gonna be great at this job where I wasn’t. What have I done? Baseball, college football, college basketball, studio primarily. You’re primarily a play by play guy. Already a different animal, host versus play by play. Secondly, what sports have you done?’ Like Joe Tess is better at boxing than anybody arguably. Tess is a great boxing play by play. ‘I know boxing and wrestling are different, but it’s a combat sport. You will know how to rise and the ebbs and flows.’ Then, most importantly, and most impactfully, I loved wrestling as a kid, but I didn’t follow it as avidly as I’ve gotten older. I believe Tess has always been a fan. I wish I had more time to watch. I’ve only seen him sporadically, but I think he’s done great. That’s a very tough audience. They’re very tough to impress. So if you can come in and let’s say 60 percent of them like Tess, that’s a resounding victory. I’m sure that number is higher, but it’ll only grow because, again, people, whether they like you or they hate you, they get used to you. Eventually they’ll understand Tess and his cadence, and, like I said, the fact he’s passionate about it and he knows it, he’s a hell of an announcer. I think Michael Cole is outstanding, but I’m sure Tess at some point can reach those levels as well, and it’s obviously a great hire for Nick.”

Click below to listen to the full intlerview.

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Sports Media podcast with Richard Deitsch with a h/t to for the transcription.

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