Former WWE wrestler returns to STARDOM to form a new faction

Former NXT star Xia Brookside is back in STARDOM following her departure from WWE.

At Thursday’s STARDOM Dream Queendom 2 event, Brookside and Mariah May appeared alongside Mina Shirakawa at ringside for the Cosmic Angels’ match against Donna Del Mondo.

After Shirakawa and Unagi Sayaka picked up the win, Shirakawa attacked Sayaka. They revealed that the group would be known as ‘Club Venus.’ In a post-match interview, Brookside said she’s happy to be back with STARDOM.

Brookside is the daughter of wrestling veteran and WWE Performance Center coach Robbie Brookside. She last wrestled for STARDOM in July 2019 at the Takoaka 5th Anniversary Show as she joined WWE following her debut in the 2018 Mae Young Classic tournament and later signed a deal.

She mainly wrestled for the NXT UK brand until her WWE release in the summer following the announcement of the brand’s hiatus ahead of the launch of NXT Europe.

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