Goldberg on possibly working a full-time schedule in WWE, his future with the company, more

Goldberg recently spoke with Denny Burkholder of CBS Sports to promote this Sunday’s Royal Rumble pay-per-view event. During the interview, he was asked about possibly working a full-time schedule if he were to win the WWE Universal Title at WrestleMania 33. He noted it if did happen then it depends on your definition of full-time. He pointed out that if you have the WWE Universal Championship then the champion has to be on TV to defend it. “I guess we’ll cross that bridge if we get there.”

When asked about the current WWE talents making him feel welcome, he said that the respect is unbelievable and that he feels like an elder statesman. He is very happy for the business as he thinks WWE has good people who are in control of it now and that it seems like there are a great group of wrestlers in the WWE locker room.

When asked about his future in WWE, he said that he would knock down any doors that WWE puts in front of him and that he would like to get the opportunity to wrestle at WrestleMania again because he has only done that once. He added that he just focused on the Royal Rumble this weekend.

You can read the entire interview here.

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