Goldberg says he would welcome a match at WrestleMania

Bill Goldberg is this week’s guest on the Jim Ross podcast.

Goldberg talked about his football days, how he got started in WCW, and the infamous match with William Regal on Nitro. If you haven’t seen it, Regal shoots on Goldberg. Regal said it was overblown but Goldberg says that it’s true that Regal tried to take advantage of him.

Ross asked Goldberg if he would consider one more match. Goldberg says that his last conversation with WWE was that he has a 7 year old son that would love to see him wrestle. He said that if WWE is willing to make some money then he’d be willing to talk about it.

Goldberg was asked if he had an ideal opponent. Basically he said he’d face anyone he was told but he did mention Triple H, Brock Lesnar, or Roman Reigns. He mentioned Roman because he knows him from Georgia Tech. He said he would face anyone as long as it makes sense.

Goldberg said that he’s still in shape and he hits the gym 5 days a week.

Ross noted that Steve Austin is so busy that he doesn’t think he’ll ever wrestle again. You can listen to Goldberg on The Ross Report below.

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