Goldberg shoots on the WWE Hall Of Fame: “It needs to be changed because it sucks”

Inside The Ropes recently caught up with former WCW/WWE Champion Goldberg following his live show in Dublin, Ireland. As always, you can expect Goldberg to be completely honest with his thoughts, especially when it comes to the WWE Hall Of Fame.

He was asked about his induction and how most of the wrestlers and personnel left before and during his speech because the show was running long and they needed to get ready for WrestleMania taking place the following day.

“First and foremost I went to Vince [McMahon] and I told him my impression of the Hall Of Fame and what should happen and what happened the night before and I don’t think it’s a justice to the people being inducted. I don’t think it’s justice to the fans that sit there for four hours. I think it needs to be changed completely right up on its head. I don’t care what anybody says and I don’t care if the person who puts it together thinks I’m full of s**t. It needs to be changed because it sucks. Okay?” He added, “I’m telling you from my experience as a headliner of 2018 in the Hall Of Fame, it needs to be changed.”

On his experience at WrestleMania on the night after the Hall Of Fame: “I went up to Vince and I told him…I’m not gonna tell you everything I tell Vince but let’s just say that me standing there after I was done with the Hall Of Fame on a Monday Night Raw it’s like being on the sidelines when you’re still able to play and watching people. I couldn’t stand it just because I’m a competitive dude and I don’t sit backstage and watch people do their thing when I’m still capable of doing it.”

He added, “That was the coolest experience of my life getting inducted as the headliner for the 2018 WWE Hall Of Fame for the WWE. It was the coolest thing for my son … it was awesome, but yeah the next night I was like a caged animal man. You know it’s tough for me and it is what it is and I have to grow up and be a man about it and accept things the way they are, but if I’m still capable of doing something I don’t like watching people do it.”

Goldberg was also asked a potential match with The Undertaker. He wanted to make it clear that he is not asking for the match but if it was presented to him then he would not decline the offer to wrestle Taker.

Listen to his comments on the Hall Of Fame and The Undertaker in the video below:

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