Grayson Waller: “I Feel Like I Could Make Magic With CM Punk Because I Think The Way CM Punk Does His Business, The Way He Talks”

Chris Van Vliet has WWE star Grayson Waller as his guest this week on “INSIGHT.” We have a few highlights below. Scroll down to watch the entire interview.

Grayson Waller on how he got paired up with Austin Theory:

“I think we’re just two incredibly good looking, humble dudes, and they’re like, this is gonna work. We met each other a few times before I got called up, but we just got along really well straight away. We have similar mindsets when it comes to the business, too. We did a few little things together, and I was like, we’re both here to be great, and we’re not going to let anyone get in our way, and we’re going to work hard for it too. We started working together a bit and then we started traveling more. We had the same schedule. We got to wake up early because we got to get to the gym, like, all those types of things. We have similar mindsets and it just kind of worked. I don’t think it was a long term plan, but it’s one of those things that just works so well that it stuck.”

On the Grayson Waller Effect:

“My main thing is I don’t want it to look like anything else. I don’t want it to be so cookie cutter. I really wanted to have like a First take, Stephen A Smith kind of vibe with a desk, almost like the desk I have now and have the desk there and the guests around it. I wanted to do the Instagram stuff and just make it look as different as possible from anything any other talk show has done.”

On who he would like to work a program with:

“I feel like I could make magic with CM Punk because I think the way CM Punk does his business, the way he talks, I could have so much fun with that, and I can just feel it. Even the small interactions that we’ve had, you know, I threw a bit of trash talk at him before he even got here just in case he ever did, and now that he’s here, I feel me and Punk would have a lot of fun.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Chris Van Vliet with a h/t to for the transcription.

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