Grayson Waller: I have nothing but positive things to say currently about CM Punk, but I’m sure that will change in the future

WWE SmackDown star Grayson Waller was recently interviewed on Adrian Hernandez’s YouTube channel. The full interview can be seen below.

Grayson Waller on CM Punk returning to WWE:

“I don’t think there’s anything but positive energy about CM Punk coming back. The entire roster right now is great from top to bottom. Everyone’s challenging each other, everyone wants to be the top guy, but no one’s stepping on anyone to get there. Maybe me. You know, I don’t mind doing that, but everyone’s kind of working together. We want this product to succeed and I think that’s what’s happening so I think everyone’s buzzing to have him back. Why would you not want to have this guy who can cut incredible promos, he can have great matches who the crowd wants to see, who’s super controversial. Like if you don’t want him back here, like, you’re stupid type of thing, and for me personally, you know, I said some things online about Punk when I heard the rumors. I like to play with the rumors and have some fun and that type of thing and I got to meet him recently and that’s all I’ll say on that, but I was trained in NXT originally by Ace Steel who was obviously Punk’s coach as well. So like, I know the type of training that he went through. Ace Steel is a great trainer. He’s very hard-nosed, very to the point. He got me a lot of my first matches in NXT. So you know, I have nothing but positive things to say about Ace and nothing but positive things to say currently about Punk, but I’m sure that will change in the future.” 

Grayson Waller on Elimination Chamber being his WrestleMania:

“It’s been great seeing Rhea killing it. Indi is killing it. Bronson Reed is killing it. RAW’s got an Aussie flavor to it and I’m carrying it on my back on Fridays. I’m glad to see so many Aussie talents doing so well because the Australian wrestling talent has always been world class. People just haven’t seen it, so I’m hoping we get more over here. For me, Elimination Chamber in a lot of ways is my WrestleMania. I’ve never been on a WrestleMania before. Obviously that’s a huge goal of mine for next year in Philly, but that Elimination Chamber show, that’s my show. I think when it comes to all the Australian talent, I rock the Australian flag on all my gear. I think I’m as Australian as it comes and I really want to perform on that show, in front of that crowd, in front of my friends, in front of that family. It’s extremely motivating. I know we saw Zelina in Puerto Rico and how much that meant to her at that moment. It’s cool that a lot of us are getting those opportunities to wrestle in front of our hometowns and not just do it on a live event, but do it on these big shows with these big moments and big matches.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Adrian Hernandez with a h/t to for the transcription. 

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