Guess the wrestler’s son that got the wedgie from Alicia Fox on Raw

Last night when Alicia Fox did her post-match meltdown she gave a wedgie to the timekeeper. The timekeeper is Berkley Ottman. He’s the son of Fred Ottman (aka Typhoon, aka The Shockmaster). Fred Ottman is very close to the Rhodes family and his son is considered to be a cousin of Cody Rhodes so that’s how he got a spot with WWE. For those that may not know, Dusty Rhodes is the person that came up with The Shockmaster gimmick for Ottman in 1993. Hopefully they don’t try to recreate something similar for Ottman’s son.

Here’s a quick note on what happened after Raw. Last night’s Raw dark match was a match between John Cena and Bray Wyatt. Cena won the match despite interference from the Wyatt family.

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